What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that provide a user experience similar to native apps, but using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. PWAs can run on any device with a standards-compliant browser, and can be installed on the device's home screen, operate offline, and integrate with the device's features.

Key Features of PWAs

PWAs have some key features that distinguish them from traditional web apps or native apps. These features are:

  • Progressive: PWAs work for every user, regardless of browser choice or device capabilities. They are built with progressive enhancement as a core principle, meaning that they provide a basic level of functionality for all users, and enhance the experience for users with more advanced browsers or devices.
  • Responsive: PWAs adapt to any screen size, orientation, or resolution, ensuring a consistent and optimal user interface across different devices. They use responsive web design techniques to achieve this.
  • Connectivity-independent: PWAs can work offline or on low-quality networks, thanks to service workers and caching strategies. Service workers are scripts that run in the background, independent of the web page, and can intercept network requests, cache resources, and handle push notifications. Caching strategies determine how the app stores and retrieves data from the cache, depending on the network availability and freshness of the data.
  • App-like: PWAs provide an app-like user experience, with features such as app icons, splash screens, full-screen mode, and navigation. They also support common app actions, such as sharing, adding to home screen, and displaying badges. These features are enabled by the web app manifest, a JSON file that describes the app's metadata, appearance, and behavior.
  • Fresh: PWAs are always up-to-date, thanks to the service worker's ability to update the app's resources in the background. This ensures that the user always sees the latest version of the app, without having to manually refresh the page or download a new version from the app store.
  • Safe: PWAs are served over HTTPS, a secure protocol that ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the data exchanged between the app and the server. HTTPS also enables the use of service workers and other web APIs that require a secure context.
  • Discoverable: PWAs are discoverable by search engines, as they are essentially web pages with a manifest file. This makes them easy to find and link to, unlike native apps that require a separate installation process. PWAs can also leverage web standards such as schema.org to provide rich information about the app's content and functionality.
  • Re-engageable: PWAs can re-engage users with push notifications, a feature that allows the app to send messages to the user even when the app is not running. Push notifications are delivered by the service worker, and can be triggered by various events, such as new content, reminders, or offers. PWAs can also use web push APIs to subscribe users to push notifications, and display them using the native notification system of the device.
  • Installable: PWAs can be installed on the device's home screen, making them accessible and convenient for the user. The installation process is simple and fast, as it does not require downloading a large app package from the app store. Instead, the browser prompts the user to add the app to the home screen, based on certain criteria, such as visiting the app frequently, or meeting a minimum level of quality and performance. Once installed, the app launches in its own window, without the browser's address bar or navigation buttons, creating a native-like experience.
  • Linkable: PWAs can be easily shared and distributed via URLs, without requiring complex installation or registration. Users can simply click on a link or scan a QR code to access the app, without having to download anything or sign up for an account. This makes PWAs more user-friendly and viral than native apps.

Benefits of PWAs

PWAs offer several benefits for both developers and users, compared to traditional web apps or native apps. Some of these benefits are:

  • Cross-platform: PWAs can run on any device with a web browser, regardless of the operating system or hardware specifications. This means that developers only need to maintain one codebase for all platforms, reducing the development time and cost. Users also benefit from having a consistent and familiar user experience across different devices, without having to download or update multiple apps.
  • Performance: PWAs are fast and reliable, thanks to the use of service workers and caching. Service workers enable the app to load instantly, even on slow or unreliable networks, by serving the cached resources from the device's storage. Caching also reduces the bandwidth consumption and the server load, improving the app's performance and scalability. Users benefit from having a smooth and responsive user experience, without having to wait for the app to load or deal with network errors.
  • Engagement: PWAs can increase user engagement and retention, thanks to the app-like features and push notifications. App-like features, such as app icons, splash screens, and full-screen mode, make the app more attractive and immersive for the user, increasing the likelihood of repeated visits and longer sessions. Push notifications, on the other hand, allow the app to communicate with the user and provide relevant and timely information, increasing the user's interest and loyalty. Users benefit from having a personalized and interactive user experience, without having to miss out on important updates or offers.
  • Conversion: PWAs can increase user conversion and revenue, thanks to the improved user experience and discoverability. PWAs provide a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience, which can boost the user's satisfaction and trust, and influence their purchase decisions. PWAs are also easier to find and access, as they are indexed by search engines and can be shared via URLs, increasing the app's reach and exposure. Users benefit from having a convenient and satisfying user experience, without having to go through complex or lengthy processes to access the app or complete a transaction.

Impact on User Experience

PWAs have a positive impact on the user experience, as they provide a web-based solution that combines the best of both web and native apps. PWAs offer the following advantages for the user experience:

  • Accessibility: PWAs are accessible to a wider range of users, as they can run on any device with a web browser, regardless of the operating system or hardware specifications. Users do not need to have a specific device or a high-end device to access the app, as long as they have an internet connection. PWAs also follow web accessibility standards and best practices, ensuring that the app is usable by people with disabilities or special needs.
  • Usability: PWAs are usable in any context, as they can work offline or on low-quality networks, and can integrate with the device's features. Users do not need to worry about the app's availability or functionality, as the app can operate independently of the network and leverage the device's capabilities, such as camera, microphone, geolocation, or contacts. PWAs also provide a consistent and familiar user interface across different devices, using responsive web design and app-like features, enhancing the user's comfort and confidence.
  • Simplicity: PWAs are simple to use and maintain, as they do not require downloading, installing, or updating. Users can simply visit the app's URL or scan a QR code to access the app, without having to download anything or sign up for an account. Users also do not need to update the app manually or wait for the app to update, as the app is always up-to-date, thanks to the service worker's ability to update the app's resources in the background. PWAs also provide a simple and intuitive user interface, using clear and concise language, and avoiding unnecessary or complex features, enhancing the user's ease and efficiency.


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that provide a user experience similar to native apps, but using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. PWAs have some key features, such as progressive, responsive, connectivity-independent, app-like, fresh, safe, discoverable, re-engageable, installable, and linkable. PWAs offer several benefits for both developers and users, such as cross-platform, performance, engagement, and conversion. PWAs have a positive impact on the user experience, as they provide accessibility, usability, simplicity, and other advantages. PWAs are a modern and innovative way of delivering web-based solutions that meet the user's needs and expectations.ยน: [Progressive web apps | MDN](^1^)