JavaScript Modules: A Beginner's Guide to Organize and Reuse Your Code

JavaScript modules are a way of organizing your code into separate files that can be imported and exported when needed. Modules allow you to write reusable, maintainable, and modular code that follows the principle of separation of concerns. In this article, you will learn how to use modules in JavaScript, and how they enable code organization, reuse, and encapsulation.

What are modules?

A module is a file that contains JavaScript code that can be executed in its own scope. A module can define variables, functions, classes, and objects that can be exported and imported by other modules. Modules can also import other modules and use their exported values.

Module vs Script: What's the Difference?

Modules are different from regular scripts in several ways:

  • Modules are always in strict mode, which means that certain syntax errors and bad practices are not allowed.
  • Modules have their own scope, which means that variables and functions defined in a module are not visible to the global scope by default. This prevents name collisions and accidental overwriting of existing values.
  • Modules are only executed once, which means that the code in a module is evaluated when it is first imported, and the result is cached for future imports. This ensures consistent and predictable behavior of modules.
  • Modules can use the import and export keywords to specify which values are available for other modules to use, and which values are needed from other modules. This creates a clear and explicit dependency graph of modules, and allows for static analysis and optimization by tools.

How to use modules?

To use modules in JavaScript, you need to do two things:

  1. Create a module file that contains the code you want to export or import. The file should have a .js extension, and the code should follow the module syntax.
  2. Use a <script> tag with the type="module" attribute to load the module file in your HTML document. The src attribute should point to the module file's URL.

For example, suppose you have a file named math.js that contains some mathematical functions that you want to use in other files. You can create a module file like this:

// math.js

// Define a function that calculates the square of a number
function square(x) {
  return x * x;

// Define a function that calculates the cube of a number
function cube(x) {
  return x * x * x;

// Export the functions so that other modules can use them
export { square, cube };

Then, you can use a <script> tag to load the module file in your HTML document like this:

<!-- index.html -->

<script type="module" src="math.js"></script>

Note that you can also use relative or absolute URLs to specify the module file's location, such as src="./math.js" or src="".

How to import and export values?

To use the values defined in a module, you need to import them in another module using the import keyword. The import statement takes the following form:

import { value1, value2, ... } from "module";

where value1, value2, ... are the names of the values you want to import, and module is the URL of the module file that exports them. You can also use an alias to rename the imported values, such as import { value1 as v1, value2 as v2, ... } from "module";.

For example, suppose you have another file named main.js that wants to use the square and cube functions from the math.js module. You can import them like this:

// main.js

// Import the square and cube functions from the math.js module
import { square, cube } from "./math.js";

// Use the imported functions to calculate some values
console.log(square(2)); // 4
console.log(cube(3)); // 27

Then, you can use another <script> tag to load the main.js module file in your HTML document like this:

<!-- index.html -->

<script type="module" src="math.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="main.js"></script>

Note that the order of the <script> tags does not matter, as the modules are loaded asynchronously and resolved according to their dependencies.

To export values from a module, you need to use the export keyword. The export statement can take different forms, depending on what you want to export. Here are some common ways to use the export keyword:

  • To export individual values, such as variables, functions, classes, or objects, you can use the export keyword before their declarations, such as export function square(x) { ... }, or use a named export list at the end of the module, such as export { square, cube };.
  • To export a single value as the default export of the module, you can use the export default keyword before its declaration, such as export default function square(x) { ... }, or use an expression after the export default keyword, such as export default x * x;. A module can only have one default export, and it can be imported without using curly braces, such as import square from "./math.js";.
  • To export values from another module, you can use the export keyword with the from keyword, such as export { square, cube } from "./math.js";. This re-exports the values from the specified module, and makes them available for other modules to import.

How do modules enable code organization, reuse, and encapsulation?

Modules enable code organization, reuse, and encapsulation by allowing you to:

  • Split your code into smaller and more manageable files that have a clear and specific purpose.
  • Avoid polluting the global scope and creating name conflicts with other scripts or libraries.
  • Create private variables and functions that are only accessible within the module, and expose only the public interface that you want other modules to use.
  • Import and export only the values that you need from other modules, and avoid loading unnecessary or redundant code.
  • Write modular and reusable code that can be easily tested, maintained, and updated.


JavaScript modules are a powerful and modern feature that can help you write better and cleaner code. By using modules, you can organize your code into separate files that can be imported and exported when needed. Modules also enable code organization, reuse, and encapsulation, which are essential for writing maintainable and scalable applications. To use modules in JavaScript, you need to create module files that follow the module syntax, and use <script> tags with the type="module" attribute to load them in your HTML document. You can also use the import and export keywords to specify which values are available for other modules to use, and which values are needed from other modules. Modules are supported by most modern browsers, and can also be used with tools like Webpack and Babel to transpile and bundle them for older browsers or other environments.