DOM Manipulation: How to Add, Remove, and Modify Elements

The Document Object Model (DOM) forms the foundation of web pages, defining the structure and relationships between elements. While static HTML provides the initial layout, dynamic web experiences necessitate manipulation of this structure. This guide delves into the technical aspects of DOM manipulation, outlining methods for adding, removing, and modifying elements to create interactive and responsive web interfaces.

1. Adding Elements

There are a number of ways to add elements to your web page via the DOM.


This method creates a new element with the specified tag name (e.g.,p,img,button). This element then becomes a child of the document or can be appended to a specific parent element using methods likeappendChild orinsertBefore.

const newParagraph = document.createElement('p');
newParagraph.textContent = 'This paragraph is dynamically added.';


This method creates a text node containing the specified text. This node can then be appended to an existing element's children, effectively injecting text content.

const heading = document.querySelector('h1');
heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Welcome to the dynamic jungle!'));

Methods for Inserting Elements:

Strategically placing new elements within the DOM structure is crucial for crafting dynamic interfaces. JavaScript offers several methods to achieve this:

i. appendChild(newElement):

Appends a new child element to the end of the existing children of a specified parent element.


const newParagraph = document.createElement('p');
newParagraph.textContent = 'This is the last child.';

ii. insertBefore(newElement, referenceElement):

Inserts a new child element before a specified reference element within the same parent.


const newButton = document.createElement('button');
newButton.textContent = 'Click Me!';

const existingButton = document.getElementById('default-button');
container.insertBefore(newButton, existingButton);

iii. parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, existingElement):

While less common, this method inserts a new element before an existing element using the parent as a reference.


const newImage = document.createElement('img');
newImage.src = 'image.jpg';

const existingImage = document.querySelector('img');
existingImage.parentNode.insertBefore(newImage, existingImage);

iv. replaceChild(newElement, oldElement):

Technically a replacement method, but effectively inserts a new element in place of an existing one, maintaining its position within the DOM structure.


const updatedMessage = document.createElement('p');
updatedMessage.textContent = 'The message has been replaced!';

container.replaceChild(updatedMessage, outdatedMessage);

v. insertAdjacentHTML(position, text):

Offers flexibility by inserting HTML content at various positions relative to an existing element:

  • beforebegin: Before the element itself.
  • afterbegin: Before the element's first child.
  • beforeend: Before the element's last child.
  • afterend: After the element itself.


const list = document.querySelector('ul');
list.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li>New item</li>');

Choosing the Appropriate Method:

  • Simple append: UseappendChild to add an element to the end.
  • Specific positioning: UseinsertBefore to insert before a reference element.
  • Replacement: UsereplaceChild to swap out an existing element.
  • Flexible HTML insertion: UseinsertAdjacentHTML for more granular control over placement.

Consider the desired outcome and element structure to select the most suitable method, ensuring precise manipulation of the web page's content and layout.

2. Removing Elements


This method removes the specified element from its parent, effectively deleting it from the DOM.

const outdatedMessage = document.getElementById('old-message');

replaceChild(newElement, oldElement):

This method replaces the old element with the new element within the same parent, maintaining the element's position in the DOM structure while updating its content.

const updatedMessage = document.createElement('p');
updatedMessage.textContent = 'The message has been updated!';
container.replaceChild(updatedMessage, outdatedMessage);

3. Modifying Elements


This property sets or gets the combined text content of an element, including all child text nodes.

const titleElement = document.querySelector('h2');
titleElement.textContent = 'Dynamically Manipulated!';


This property allows adding, removing, or toggling CSS classes on an element, effectively changing its appearance and potentially activating associated styles.

const element = document.getElementById('dynamic-section');


This property allows adding, removing, or modifying element attributes, influencing their behavior or storing additional information.

element.setAttribute('data-target', '#popup-modal');
const elementId = element.getAttribute('id');


This property allows setting specific inline styles directly on an element, offering granular control over its visual presentation.

                = 'blue'; = 'flex';

4. Best Practices:

  • Semantic HTML: Utilize clear and structured HTML to enhance document accessibility and simplify element manipulation.
  • CSS prioritization: Leverage CSS for styling elements instead of inline styles for maintainability and performance optimization.
  • Performance considerations: Choose efficient methods and avoid excessive DOM manipulation to maintain optimal page responsiveness.
  • Event listeners: Bind event listeners to dynamically update the page based on user interactions.
  • Continuous learning: Explore further resources and experiment with different techniques to deepen your understanding and unlock the full potential of DOM manipulation.

By mastering these techniques and adhering to best practices, you can transform static web pages into dynamic and engaging experiences, shaping the web with precision and purpose.