Offline Capabilities with Service Workers

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web applications that can work offline, thanks to the power of service workers. Service workers are JavaScript files that run in the background and act as a proxy between your app and the network. They can intercept requests, cache responses, and perform background tasks.

In this article, we will explore how to use service workers to enable offline capabilities for your PWA. We will cover the following topics:

  • Caching strategies: how to choose the best caching strategy for your app, and how to implement it using the Cache API and the Workbox library.
  • Data synchronization: how to sync data between your app and the server when the network is available, and how to handle conflicts and errors.
  • Network failures: how to detect network failures and provide fallbacks or retries for your app.

Caching Strategies

Caching is the process of storing copies of resources (such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) locally, so that they can be served faster and without relying on the network. Caching can improve the performance and user experience of your app, especially when the network is slow or unreliable.

However, caching also introduces some challenges, such as:

  • How to decide what and when to cache?
  • How to update the cached resources when they change on the server?
  • How to handle requests that are not cached?

To answer these questions, you need to choose a caching strategy that suits your app's needs. There are different caching strategies, such as:

  • Cache only: always serve resources from the cache, and never fetch them from the network. This is suitable for static assets that rarely change, such as icons, fonts, or logos.
  • Network only: always fetch resources from the network, and never serve them from the cache. This is suitable for dynamic content that needs to be up-to-date, such as user-generated data or live feeds.
  • Cache first: try to serve resources from the cache, and if they are not available, fetch them from the network. This is suitable for assets that change infrequently, such as images, videos, or articles.
  • Network first: try to fetch resources from the network, and if they fail, serve them from the cache. This is suitable for assets that need to be fresh, but can tolerate some staleness, such as news, weather, or sports scores.
  • Stale-while-revalidate: serve resources from the cache, but also fetch them from the network in the background and update the cache. This is suitable for assets that need to be updated frequently, but can be displayed with some delay, such as social media posts or comments.

To implement these caching strategies, you can use the Cache API, which is a low-level API that allows you to manipulate the cache directly. For example, to implement the cache first strategy, you can write something like this in your service worker:

// Register a listener for the fetch event
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  // Get the request object
  const request = event.request;
  // Respond with the cached response or the network response
    // Try to get the response from the cache
      .then(cachedResponse => {
        // If there is a cached response, return it
        if (cachedResponse) {
          return cachedResponse;
        // Otherwise, fetch the response from the network
      return fetch(request);

However, writing code for every caching strategy can be tedious and error-prone. That's why you can use the Workbox library, which is a high-level library that provides various tools and helpers for working with service workers and caching. For example, to implement the same cache first strategy with Workbox, you can write something like this in your service worker:

// Import the Workbox library

// Initialize the Workbox library
workbox.setConfig({ debug: false });

// Create a cache first strategy
const cacheFirst = new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst();

// Register a route for the fetch event
  // Match any request
  // Use the cache first strategy

As you can see, Workbox simplifies the code and makes it more readable and maintainable. Workbox also provides other features, such as:

  • Precaching: automatically cache and update a list of resources during the service worker installation.
  • Expiration: automatically delete old or unused cache entries based on some criteria, such as age, size, or number.
  • Background sync: automatically retry failed requests when the network is back online.
  • Offline analytics: automatically collect and send analytics data when the network is available.

You can learn more about Workbox and its features from its official documentation.

Data Synchronization

Caching can help you serve resources offline, but what about data that needs to be sent to the server, such as user input, form submissions, or file uploads? How can you ensure that the data is synchronized between your app and the server, even when the network is unreliable or unavailable?

One way to achieve data synchronization is to use the background sync feature of service workers. Background sync allows you to register a sync event that will be triggered when the network is back online, or when the user has a good connection. You can use this event to perform any tasks that require network access, such as sending data to the server, fetching new data, or updating the UI.

To use background sync, you need to do the following steps:

  • Register a sync event listener in your service worker. This is where you write the logic for synchronizing the data.
  • Request permission from the user to use background sync. This is required for security and privacy reasons.
  • Register a sync tag for each task that needs to be synchronized. A sync tag is a unique identifier that represents a specific task. You can use any string as a sync tag, as long as it is consistent and meaningful.

For example, suppose you have a PWA that allows users to post comments on a blog. To synchronize the comments with the server, you can write something like this in your service worker:

// Register a listener for the sync event
self.addEventListener('sync', event => {
  // Get the sync tag
  const tag = event.tag;
  // Check if the sync tag is 'post-comment'
  if (tag === 'post-comment') {
    // Perform the sync task
      // Get the comment data from the IndexedDB database
        .then(comment => {
          // Send the comment data to the server
          return postCommentToServer(comment);
        .then(response => {
          // Check if the response is successful
          if (response.ok) {
            // Delete the comment data from the IndexedDB database
            return deleteCommentFromDB();
          // Otherwise, throw an error           throw new Error('Failed to post comment');
        .catch(error => {
          // Handle the error

In your app, you can request permission and register a sync tag when the user submits a comment, like this:

// Get the comment data from the form
const comment = getCommentFromForm();

// Check if the service worker supports background sync
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && 'SyncManager' in window) {
  // Get the service worker registration
    .then(registration => {
      // Request permission to use background sync
      return registration.sync.getPermission();
    .then(permissionState => {
      // Check if the permission is granted
      if (permissionState === 'granted') {
        // Save the comment data to the IndexedDB database
        return saveCommentToDB(comment);
      // Otherwise, throw an error
      throw new Error('Permission denied');
    .then(() => {
      // Register a sync tag for the comment
      return registration.sync.register('post-comment');
    .then(() => {
      // Show a confirmation message to the user
    .catch(error => {
      // Handle the error
} else {
  // Fallback to normal network request
    .then(response => {
      // Check if the response is successful
      if (response.ok) {
        // Show a confirmation message to the user
      // Otherwise, throw an error
      throw new Error('Failed to post comment');
    .catch(error => {
      // Handle the error

By using background sync, you can ensure that the user's comment will be posted to the server, even if the network is offline or unstable at the time of submission. The sync event will be triggered when the network is available, and the comment will be deleted from the local database after it is successfully sent.

Limitations of background sync

Background sync, however, also has some limitations, such as:

  • It is not supported by all browsers. You can check the browser compatibility from here.
  • It does not guarantee when the sync event will be fired. It depends on various factors, such as the network condition, the battery level, or the user's preference.
  • It does not handle data conflicts or errors. You need to write your own logic for resolving conflicts or retrying failed requests.

Therefore, you should use background sync as a complement, not a replacement, for normal network requests. You should also implement some mechanisms for handling data conflicts or errors, such as:

  • Using timestamps or version numbers to detect and resolve data conflicts.
  • Using exponential backoff or retry policies to handle network errors or failures.
  • Using notifications or UI indicators to inform the user about the sync status or outcome.

You can learn more about background sync and its best practices from here.

Network Failures

Even with caching and background sync, your app may still encounter network failures or errors that prevent it from functioning properly. For example, your app may need to fetch some data that is not cached, or send some data that cannot be synchronized later. How can you handle these situations gracefully, and provide a good user experience?

One way to handle network failures is to use the online and offline events of the service worker. These events are fired when the service worker detects a change in the network connectivity, such as when the user goes offline or online. You can use these events to perform some actions, such as:

  • Showing or hiding an offline indicator or banner on the app's UI.
  • Enabling or disabling some features or buttons that require network access.
  • Saving or restoring some state or data that depends on the network.

To use the online and offline events, you need to do the following steps:

  • Register an online and offline event listener in your service worker. This is where you write the logic for handling the network changes.
  • Communicate the network status to your app using the postMessage method. This is how you send messages from the service worker to the app, and vice versa.
  • Update the app's UI or behavior based on the network status. This is how you provide feedback or fallbacks to the user.

For example, suppose you have a PWA that allows users to play a trivia game. To handle network failures, you can write something like this in your service worker:

// Register a listener for the online event
self.addEventListener('online', event => {
  // Send a message to the app that the network is online
    .then(clients => {
      clients.forEach(client => {
        client.postMessage({ network: 'online' });

// Register a listener for the offline event
self.addEventListener('offline', event => {
  // Send a message to the app that the network is offline
    .then(clients => {
      clients.forEach(client => {
        client.postMessage({ network: 'offline' });

In your app, you can listen for the messages from the service worker and update the UI accordingly, like this:

// Get the offline indicator element
const offlineIndicator = document.getElementById('offline-indicator');

// Register a listener for the message event
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => {
  // Get the message data
  const data =;
  // Check if the message is about the network status
  if ( {
    // Check if the network is online
    if ( === 'online') {
      // Hide the offline indicator = 'none';
      // Enable the game features
    // Check if the network is offline
    if ( === 'offline') {
      // Show the offline indicator = 'block';
      // Disable the game features

By using the online and offline events, you can detect and handle network failures in your app, and provide a better user experience. You can also use other methods or libraries to detect network failures, such as:

  • Using the navigator.onLine property to check the network status.
  • Using the fetch API to catch network errors or timeouts.
  • Using the Network Information API to get information about the network type or quality.
  • Using the Offline.js library to detect and handle network failures.

You can learn more about these methods and libraries from here.


In this article, we have learned how to use service workers to enable offline capabilities for your PWA. We have also covered the following topics:

  • Caching strategies: how to choose and implement the best caching strategy for your app using the Cache API and the Workbox library.
  • Data synchronization: how to sync data between your app and the server using the background sync feature of service workers.
  • Network failures: how to handle network failures and provide feedback or fallbacks to the user using the online and offline events of service workers.

By applying these techniques, you can make your app more reliable, resilient, and user-friendly, even when the network is not available or reliable. You can also improve the performance and loading time of your app, by serving resources from the cache instead of the network.