JavaScript Functions: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Functions are one of the most fundamental and powerful features of JavaScript. A function is a block of code that performs a specific task and can be reused throughout your program. Functions can also accept parameters, return values, and access variables from different scopes. In this article, you will learn how to define and invoke functions in JavaScript, and the difference between function declarations, function expressions, arrow functions, and anonymous functions. You will also see some examples and code snippets to demonstrate how these concepts work and how to use them in your code.

Defining and Invoking Functions

There are two main ways to define a function in JavaScript: using a function declaration or a function expression.

Function Declaration

A function declaration is a statement that defines a named function with a list of parameters and a body. It has the following syntax:

function functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN) {
  // Statements that define the function body

Here, functionName is the name of the function, which can be any valid identifier. parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN are the names of the parameters that the function expects, which can be any valid identifiers. The function body is a block of code that contains the statements that perform the task of the function.

Here is an example of a function declaration that calculates the sum of two numbers:

function add(a, b) {
  // Define a function named add with two parameters: a and b
  return a + b; // Return the sum of a and b

To invoke a function, you use the function name followed by parentheses, and optionally pass some arguments that match the parameters of the function. For example:

let result = add(3, 5); // Invoke the add function with arguments 3 and 5
console.log(result); // Display the result

This will output:


Note: A function declaration can be hoisted, which means that it can be invoked before it is defined in the code. For example:

console.log(add(3, 5)); // Invoke the add function before it is defined
function add(a, b) {
  // Define the add function later in the code
  return a + b;

This will also output:


Function Expression

A function expression is an expression that defines a function as a value. It can be assigned to a variable, passed as an argument to another function, or returned from a function. It has the following syntax:

let variableName = function(parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN) {
  // Statements that define the function body

Here, variableName is the name of the variable that holds the function value, which can be any valid identifier. parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN are the names of the parameters that the function expects, which can be any valid identifiers. The function body is a block of code that contains the statements that perform the task of the function.

Here is an example of a function expression that calculates the product of two numbers:

let multiply = function(a, b) {
  // Define a function as a value and assign it to a variable named multiply
  return a * b; // Return the product of a and b

To invoke a function expression, you use the variable name followed by parentheses, and optionally pass some arguments that match the parameters of the function. For example:

let result = multiply(3, 5); // Invoke the function expression using the variable name
console.log(result); // Display the result

This will output:


Note: A function expression cannot be hoisted, which means that it cannot be invoked before it is defined in the code. For example:

console.log(multiply(3, 5)); // Try to invoke the function expression before it is defined
let multiply = function(a, b) {
  // Define the function expression later in the code
  return a * b;

This will output an error:

ReferenceError: Cannot access 'multiply' before initialization

Function Declarations vs Function Expressions

Both function declarations and function expressions can be used to define and invoke functions in JavaScript, but they have some differences and advantages. Here are some of the main points to consider:

  • Function declarations are hoisted, which means that they can be invoked before they are defined in the code. This can be useful if you want to use a function in multiple places without worrying about the order of definition. However, this can also lead to confusion and errors if you are not careful about the scope and context of the function.
  • Function expressions are not hoisted, which means that they cannot be invoked before they are defined in the code. This can prevent some errors and make the code more clear and predictable. However, this can also limit the flexibility and reusability of the function.
  • Function declarations create a named function, which can be useful for debugging and self-referencing. For example, you can use the name of the function to call itself recursively or to access its properties and methods. However, this can also create a potential conflict with other variables or functions that have the same name in the same scope.
  • Function expressions can create either a named or an anonymous function, depending on whether you provide a name for the function or not. For example, you can write let multiply = function(a, b) {...}; or let multiply = function multiply(a, b) {...};. An anonymous function has no name, which can make the code more concise and avoid naming conflicts. However, this can also make debugging and self-referencing more difficult. A named function expression has a name, which can make debugging and self-referencing easier. However, this can also create a potential conflict with the variable name that holds the function value.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions are a new feature of JavaScript introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). They are a shorthand way of writing function expressions using a special syntax that uses an arrow (=>) to separate the parameters and the function body. They have the following syntax:

let variableName = (parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN) => {
  // Statements that define the function body

Here, variableName is the name of the variable that holds the function value, which can be any valid identifier. parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN are the names of the parameters that the function expects, which can be any valid identifiers. The function body is a block of code that contains the statements that perform the task of the function.

Here is an example of an arrow function that calculates the difference of two numbers:

let subtract = (a, b) => {
  // Define an arrow function and assign it to a variable named subtract
  return a - b; // Return the difference of a and b

To invoke an arrow function, you use the variable name followed by parentheses, and optionally pass some arguments that match the parameters of the function. For example:

let result = subtract(3, 5); // Invoke the arrow function using the variable name
console.log(result); // Display the result

This will output:


Arrow functions have some advantages and features over regular function expressions. Here are some of the main points to consider:

  • Arrow functions are more concise and expressive, as they use less syntax and punctuation. For example, you can omit the parentheses around the parameters if there is only one parameter, and you can omit the curly braces and the return keyword around the function body if there is only one expression. For example:
  • Javascript
    let square = x => x * x; // Define an arrow function with one parameter and one expression
    let result = square(5); // Invoke the arrow function
    console.log(result); // Display the result

    This will output:

  • Arrow functions do not have their own this value, which means that they inherit the this value from the enclosing scope. This can be useful when you want to use an arrow function as a callback or an event handler, as it can avoid the need to bind or pass the this value explicitly. For example:
  • Javascript
    let person = {
      name: "Alice",
      age: 25,
      greet: function() {
        // Define a regular function as a method of an object
        console.log("Hello, my name is " +; // Use this to refer to the object
      celebrate: function() {
        // Define another regular function as a method of an object
        setTimeout(function() {
          // Define a regular function as a callback for setTimeout
          console.log("Happy birthday, " +; // Try to use this to refer to the object
        }, 1000);
      celebrateArrow: function() {
        // Define another regular function as a method of an object
        setTimeout(() => {
          // Define an arrow function as a callback for setTimeout
          console.log("Happy birthday, " +; // Use this to refer to the object
        }, 1000);

    person.greet(); // Invoke the greet method
    person.celebrate(); // Invoke the celebrate method
    person.celebrateArrow(); // Invoke the celebrateArrow method

    This will output:

    Hello, my name is Alice
    Happy birthday, undefined
    Happy birthday, Alice

    As you can see, the regular function as a callback for setTimeout does not have access to the this value of the person object, because it creates its own this value that refers to the global object. On the other hand, the arrow function as a callback for setTimeout inherits the this value from the celebrateArrow method, which is the person object. This makes the arrow function more convenient and consistent when used as a callback or an event handler.

  • Arrow functions do not have their own arguments object, which means that they cannot access the arguments of the function call. Instead, they can use the rest parameters syntax to capture the arguments as an array. For example:
  • Javascript
    let sum = (...args) => {
      // Define an arrow function with a rest parameter
      let result = 0; // Declare and initialize a variable to hold the sum
      for (let arg of args) {
        // Iterate over the arguments array
        result += arg; // Add each argument to the result
      return result; // Return the sum
    let result = sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // Invoke the arrow function with multiple arguments
    console.log(result); // Display the result

    This will output:

  • Arrow functions cannot be used as constructors, which means that they cannot be instantiated with the new keyword. This is because they do not have their own this value, and they do not have a prototype property. For example:
  • Javascript
    let Person = (name, age) => {
      // Define an arrow function = name; // Try to assign a property to this
      this.age = age; // Try to assign another property to this
    let alice = new Person("Alice", 25); // Try to instantiate the arrow function with the new keyword
    console.log(alice); // Display the object

    This will output an error:

    TypeError: Person is not a constructor

Anonymous Functions

An anonymous function is a function that does not have a name. Anonymous functions can be created using either function expressions or arrow functions. Anonymous functions are often used as callbacks or event handlers, where the function is only needed once and does not need to be referenced later. For example:

setTimeout(function() {
  // Define an anonymous function using a function expression
  console.log("Hello, world!"); // Display a message
}, 1000); // Set a timer for 1 second
setTimeout(() => {
  // Define an anonymous function using an arrow function
  console.log("Hello, world!"); // Display a message
}, 1000); // Set a timer for 1 second

Both examples will output:

Hello, world!


In this article, you learned about the functions in JavaScript and how to define and invoke them using different syntaxes and features. You learned how to use function declarations and function expressions to create named or anonymous functions with parameters and return values. You also learned how to use arrow functions to create concise and consistent functions that inherit the this value and do not have their own arguments object. You also saw some examples and code snippets to demonstrate how these concepts work and how to use them in your code.