JavaScript: A Brief History and Overview

JavaScript is a language that lets you make web pages more interactive and dynamic. It can run on both the browser and the server, and it is one of the most popular and widely used languages in the world. In this article, you will learn about the history and evolution of JavaScript, its main features and characteristics, and its pros and cons.

History and Evolution of JavaScript

JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995, when he was working at Netscape. He made the language in about ten days, to add some interactivity and functionality to web pages. The language was first called Mocha, then LiveScript, and finally JavaScript, to attract more attention from Java users.

JavaScript was first used in Netscape Navigator 2.0, and it quickly became a success. However, Microsoft, the main rival of Netscape, made its own version of JavaScript, called JScript, and used it in Internet Explorer 3.0. This caused some problems and differences between the two browsers, as they did not support the same features and syntax of the language.

To avoid more confusion and trouble, Netscape gave JavaScript to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), an organization that makes standards for languages, in 1996. A group of people, called TC39, was formed to make and maintain the standard version of the language, which was called ECMAScript. The first version of ECMAScript was released in 1997, and it was based on the original JavaScript in Netscape Navigator 2.0.

Since then, ECMAScript has changed and improved a lot, adding new features and capabilities to the language. The most important ones are:

  • ECMAScript 2 (1998): This version was mostly a small update, to match the ISO/IEC 16262 international standard.
  • ECMAScript 3 (1999): This version added many new features and improvements to the language, such as regular expressions, error handling, string methods, and more.
  • ECMAScript 4 (2008): This version was planned to be a big change to the language, adding features such as classes, modules, generators, iterators, and more. However, it was cancelled because of disagreements and conflicts within the TC39 group, as some people wanted a more gradual and careful change to the language.
  • ECMAScript 5 (2009): This version was a compromise between the two sides of the TC39 group, and it added some features from the ECMAScript 4 proposal, such as strict mode, JSON support, getters and setters, and more. It also fixed some bugs and errors of the previous versions.
  • ECMAScript 6 (2015): This version was a major update to the language, adding many new features and enhancements, such as arrow functions, classes, modules, promises, generators, iterators, symbols, and more. It was also renamed to ECMAScript 2015, to show the year of its release, and to start a yearly release cycle for the future versions.
  • ECMAScript 2016-2021: These versions are small updates to the language, adding new features and improvements every year, such as async/await, exponentiation operator, async iterators, optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and more.

Features and Characteristics of JavaScript

JavaScript is a multi-purpose, dynamic, and high-level language, with the following features and characteristics:

  • Multi-purpose: JavaScript can be used for different purposes and goals, such as web development, server-side programming, mobile development, desktop applications, games, etc. It can also work with different web technologies and APIs, such as HTML, CSS, DOM, AJAX, WebSockets, Web Storage, Web Workers, etc.
  • Dynamic: JavaScript is a language that does not have fixed types for variables and values. The type of a variable or a value can change during the program, and it is checked at the moment of running, not before. This makes JavaScript more flexible and expressive, but also more risky and tricky.
  • High-level: JavaScript is a language that does not deal with many details and complexities of the computer and the software, and it provides a simpler and more human-friendly way of writing code. This makes JavaScript easier to learn and use, but also less efficient and fast than lower-level languages.
  • Interpreted: JavaScript is a language that is not turned into executable code before running, but rather translated and executed at the same time by a JavaScript engine, such as V8, SpiderMonkey, or Chakra. This makes JavaScript more portable and cross-platform, but also slower and less optimized than compiled languages.
  • Scripting: JavaScript is a language that is made to automate tasks and control other programs and systems, rather than to make standalone applications. JavaScript is mainly used to make web pages more interactive and dynamic, by changing the HTML, CSS, and the browser's behavior.
  • Event-driven: JavaScript is a language that is based on the occurrence of events, such as user actions, network requests, timers, etc. JavaScript uses callbacks, promises, async/await, and other ways to handle asynchronous and concurrent operations, and to avoid blocking the main process of execution.

Pros and Cons of JavaScript

JavaScript has many pros and cons, depending on the situation and the use case. Some of the main ones are:


  • JavaScript is widely supported and available in almost every web browser and platform, making it the standard language for web development.
  • JavaScript is easy to learn and use, as it has a simple and expressive syntax, and it does not need any special tools or environments to run.
  • JavaScript is versatile and powerful, as it can support multiple programming styles, and it can interact with various web technologies and APIs, such as HTML, CSS, DOM, AJAX, WebSockets, Web Storage, Web Workers, etc.
  • JavaScript is extensible and adaptable, as it can be improved and changed by various libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, Node.js, Express, etc.


  • JavaScript is inconsistent and unpredictable, as it has many weird and confusing behaviors, such as implicit type conversion, global variables, hoisting, scoping, equality operators, etc.
  • JavaScript is insecure and vulnerable, as it can be easily accessed and changed by bad users and hackers, and it can expose sensitive data and information to the public.
  • JavaScript is inefficient and slow, as it is interpreted rather than compiled, and it has a single-threaded and event-driven model, which can cause performance problems and delays.
  • JavaScript is incompatible and fragmented, as it has different versions and implementations across different browsers and platforms, and it needs polyfills and transpilers to ensure cross-browser compatibility and support for newer features.