JavaScript Variables: A Complete Guide

Variables are containers for storing data values in JavaScript. They can hold different types of values, such as numbers, strings, arrays, objects, and functions. Variables are declared with keywords, such as `var`, `let`, or `const`, followed by a name (or identifier) for the variable.

Declaring Variables

To declare a variable in JavaScript, you can use one of the following keywords:

  • var: This keyword declares a variable that has a function scope. This means that the variable can be accessed anywhere inside the function where it is declared, or globally if it is declared outside any function. However, var is not recommended for declaring variables in modern JavaScript, because it can cause some problems with hoisting and redeclaration.
  • let: This keyword declares a variable that has a block scope. This means that the variable can only be accessed inside the block (a code section enclosed by curly braces) where it is declared. The let keyword also prevents the variable from being redeclared in the same scope, which can avoid some errors and confusion.
  • const: This keyword declares a constant variable that has a block scope as well. The difference between const and let is that a constant variable cannot be reassigned or redeclared. This is useful for declaring variables that hold values that should not be changed, such as constants, configuration settings, or references to immutable objects.

Here are some examples of declaring variables with different keywords:

// Declaring a variable with var
var x = 10; // x can be accessed and modified anywhere in the code

// Declaring a variable with let
let y = 20; // y can only be accessed and modified inside this block
  let y = 30; // This is a different y, scoped to this block
  console.log(y); // 30
console.log(y); // 20

// Declaring a variable with const
const z = 40; // z can only be accessed inside this block and cannot be changed
  const z = 50; // This is a different z, scoped to this block
  console.log(z); // 50
console.log(z); // 40
// z = 60; // This will cause an error, because z is a constant

Assigning Variables

To assign a value to a variable, you can use the assignment operator (=). The value can be a literal value, such as a number or a string, or an expression that evaluates to a value, such as a mathematical operation or a function call. You can also assign a value to a variable when you declare it, or later in the code. For example:

// Assigning a literal value to a variable
let name = "Alice"; // name is assigned the string "Alice"

// Assigning an expression to a variable
let sum = 2 + 3; // sum is assigned the result of 2 + 3, which is 5

// Assigning a value to a variable when declaring it
let product = 4 * 5; // product is declared and assigned the result of 4 * 5, which is 20

// Assigning a value to a variable later in the code
let greeting; // greeting is declared, but not assigned any value
greeting = "Hello, " + name; // greeting is assigned the string "Hello, " concatenated with the value of name, which is "Alice"

Note that you cannot assign a value to a constant variable after it is declared. For example, this will cause an error:

const pi = 3.14; // pi is declared and assigned the value 3.14
pi = 3.15; // This will cause an error, because pi is a constant and cannot be reassigned

Using Variables

To use a variable in your code, you can simply refer to it by its name. For example, you can use a variable as an argument for a function, as a part of an expression, or as a value to be displayed. For example:

// Using a variable as an argument for a function
console.log(sum); // This will print the value of sum, which is 5, to the console

// Using a variable as a part of an expression
let difference = sum - product; // This will assign the result of sum - product, which is -15, to the variable difference

// Using a variable as a value to be displayed
alert(greeting); // This will show an alert box with the value of greeting, which is "Hello, Alice"

Note that you can only use a variable if it is in the same scope as where you are using it. For example, this will cause an error:

  let message = "Goodbye"; // message is declared and assigned inside this block
console.log(message); // This will cause an error, because message is not accessible outside the block where it is declared


In this article, you learned how to declare, assign, and use variables in JavaScript. You also learned the difference between the keywords var, let, and const, and how they affect the scope and reassignment of variables. Variables are essential for storing and manipulating data in your JavaScript programs.