SQL Constraints Explained: Ensure Data Integrity

Constraints in relational databases are essential enforcers of data integrity and consistency. By setting specific rules like uniqueness, null value restrictions, and table relationships, they prevent errors and ensure the accuracy and reliability of your information. This empowers you to maintain clean, consistent data that you can trust for analysis and decision-making.

Types of Constraints:

This guide delves into four essential types of constraints:

  • Primary Key: Uniquely identifies each row within a table, preventing duplicates.
  • Foreign Key: Establishes relationships between tables, ensuring data consistency.
  • Unique: Prohibits duplicate values within a specific column, excluding the primary key.
  • NOT NULL: Mandates that a value must be present in the designated column, preventing null entries.

Constraints are essential elements in relational databases, playing a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and consistency. This guide explores four key constraints: primary keys, foreign keys, unique, and not null. Each section provides a clear definition, syntax examples, and explanations of their benefits and considerations.

1. Primary Key:

A primary key uniquely identifies each row within a table. It acts as the mandatory identification marker, preventing duplicate entries. Think of it as a unique ID assigned to each record, similar to a social security number or product serial number.


ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (column_name1, column_name2, ...);


ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT pk_customers PRIMARY KEY (customer_id);


  • Ensures unique identification of each row.
  • Serves as a reference point for foreign key relationships.
  • Enables efficient data retrieval and indexing.

2. Foreign Key:

A foreign key establishes a relationship between two tables. It links a column in one table (child) to the primary key of another table (parent). This relationship ensures data consistency and prevents orphaned records in the child table. Imagine it as a foreign citizen needing a valid visa to be linked to a specific country (parent) based on their passport number (child).


ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY (child_column_name) REFERENCES parent_table (parent_column_name);


ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT fk_orders_customer FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id);


  • Enforces referential integrity between tables.
  • Prevents orphaned records in the child table.
  • Maintains data consistency across related tables.

3. Unique:

The unique constraint guarantees that no duplicate values exist within a specified column, excluding the primary key value. This helps prevent data redundancy and maintain consistency within specific data points. Think of it as a unique product code that identifies each item uniquely within an inventory system.


ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (column_name1, column_name2, ...);


ALTER TABLE products ADD CONSTRAINT unique_product_code UNIQUE (product_code);


  • Prevents duplicate data within a specific column.
  • Enforces data uniqueness beyond the primary key.
  • Useful for columns like email addresses or usernames.


The not null constraint mandates that a value must be present in the designated column. This prevents null entries and ensures data completeness. Imagine it as a mandatory field on a form that cannot be left blank.


ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name NOT NULL;


ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name NOT NULL;


  • Prevents null entries, ensuring data completeness.
  • Improves data quality and consistency.
  • Simplifies data validation and analysis.

Additional Considerations:

  • Choose the appropriate constraint based on your specific data requirements and needs.
  • Consider the potential performance implications of using constraints.
  • Always test changes in a non-production environment before applying them to live data.

By effectively utilizing these constraints, you can strengthen your database's data integrity and consistency, ultimately ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your information.